Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2013

The American Dream

As the darkness grows deep inside my soul I keep a glow about me that lends others to believe that all is good.  I stay up late with my insomnia, then I get up at 4am, dark.  Darkness is all around me.  I used to be sane enough to go out in my car, crank up the Cars, The WHo, etc.. and just seeing the beauty of our wonderful free world that we live in was enought to lighten the darkness.
As I have lost faith in the human race, our nation built on free will and capitalism, and by the people.  You know that one gets me, "by the people" now adays it is "Bye the people and hello socialism.
As far as I am concerned our ancestors in the '50s had it kinda right, they had the "American Dream" to shoot for.  Then the baby boomers came along and for some reason eliminated accountibility and responsibility from our lives.  Then when you grew up like me, split between the two, you get really confused.  When your younger its all hell yeah, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.  Yeah that is all nice and good but you know what we have an obligation to our species and our planet to bring accountability  and responsibility back to our wonderfull world.
You know, where USA has failed in that part of humanity, suprisingly alot of the other nations we hated so dearly during the cold war have actually realized what we have lost and have started making up for it.
Don't ever get me WRONG!!! I AM AN AMERICAN TRUE AND BLUE!!!  I am just making a call to my brothers and sisers to take some of what I have said and look around.  Do you still see the AMERICAN DREAM????  Lets bring it back, if not for our kids but for our grandchildren so that we do actually have a legacy that we have left instead of a broken down, depressed, and no American Dream except in history books.
Rock on,